Once you know the selling price and direct costs of each product or service unit you sell, you can calculate your contribution margin in dollars per unit. 也就是超出直接成本的部分(你可以把单位设定为一个产品或者一小时的服务)。
Generally, the contribution is positive. It can be expressed in total, per unit and percent. 一般说来,边际贡献是正数,它可以表示为贡献总额、单位边际贡献和边际贡献率。
A boundary condition is provided by the contribution of source. A new method to deuce the safe limits for pollution emission by calculating the concentration of per unit intensity of pollutant 震源的贡献是以一个边界条件给出的。利用单位源强浓度贡献确定排放限值
The genetic contribution of US germplasm resources increase by 1%, per unit maize yield will increase by 0.2% ( 0.01 t · ha-1). 美国遗传贡献率每增加1%,中国玉米单产将提高0.2%或者0.01t·ha-1;
The difference showed contribution efficiency of cultivated land occupancy for the GDP growth, as well as the GDP output of per unit land area in different grain sub-regions. 这种差异既表现在耕地占用对GDP增长的贡献效率上,也表现为不同粮食分区单位土地面积的GDP产出上。